2012年5月23日 星期三

Learning jQuery, Third Edition


人民幣:RMB 59 元


After the stylesheet is referenced, the JavaScript files are included. It is important that the script tag for the jQuery library be placed before the tag for our custom scripts; otherwise, the jQuery framework will not be available when our code attempts to reference it.



The fundamental operation in jQuery is selecting a part of the document. This is done with the $() function. Typically, it takes a string as a parameter, which can contain any CSS selector expression. In this case, we wish to find all of the <div> elements in the document that have the poem-stanza class applied to them, so the selector is very simple. However, we will cover much more sophisticated options through the course of the book. We will step through many ways of locating parts of a document in Chapter 2, Selecting Elements.


Note that no iteration is necessary to add the class to all the poem stanzas. As we discussed, jQuery uses implicit iteration within methods such as .addClass(), so a single function call is all it takes to alter all of the selected parts of the document.


1. Uses the browser's native DOM ready implementations when available and adds a window.onload event handler as a safety net Allows for multiple calls to $(document).ready() and executes them in the order in which they are called
2. Executes functions passed to $(document).ready() even if they are added after the browser event has already occurred
3. Handles the event scheduling asynchronously to allow scripts to delay it if necessary
4. Simulates a DOM ready event in some older browsers by repeatedly checking for the existence of a DOM method that typically becomes available at the same time as the DOM


However, as demonstrated in the original version of the script, and repeated in Listing 1.2, as follows, the method can also accept an anonymous function (sometimes also called a lambda function), as follows:


This anonymous function idiom is convenient in jQuery code for methods that take a function as an argument when that function isn't reusable. Moreover, the closure it creates can be an advanced and powerful tool. However, it may also have unintended consequences and ramifications on memory use, if not dealt with carefully. The topic of closures is discussed fully in Appendix A, JavaScript Closures.

1. 正確地處理其他window.onload事件處理程序。
2. 在DOM就緒後馬上執行。
3. 利用較新的DOM方法來檢索元素和執行其他任務,從優化代碼性能。

1. Properly respecting other window.onload event handlers
2. Acting as soon as the DOM is ready
3. Optimizing element retrieval and other tasks with modern DOM methods

負責任的jQuery開發者應該在編寫自已的程序時,始終堅持漸進增強(progressive enhancement)和優雅降級(graceful degradation)的理念,做到在沒有JavaScript禁用時,頁面仍然能夠與啟用JavaScript時一樣準確地呈現,即使沒有那麼美觀。

Progressive enhancement
Responsible jQuery developers should always apply the concepts of progressive enhancement and graceful degradation to their code, ensuring that a page will render as accurately, even if not as beautifully, with JavaScript disabled as it does with JavaScript turned on. We will continue to explore these concepts throughout the book.


Attribute selectors accept a wildcard syntax inspired by regular expressions for identifying the value at the beginning (^) or ending ($) of a string. They can also take an asterisk (*) to indicate the value at an arbitrary position within a string or an exclamation mark (!) to indicate a negated value.

注意,因為JavaScript數組採用從0開始的編號方式,所以 eq(1) 取得的是集合中的第2個元素。而CSS則是從1開始的,因此CSS選擇符 $('div:nth-child(1)') 取得的是作為其父元素第1個子元素的所有div元素。

Note that :eq(1) selects the second item in the set because JavaScript array numbering is zero-based, meaning that it starts with 0. In contrast, CSS is one-based, so a CSS selector such as $('div:nth-child(1)') would select all div selectors that are the first child of their parent (in this case, however, we would probably use $('div:first-child') instead).

等一等!為什麼針對奇數行使用:even選擇符呢?很簡單, :eq() 選擇符、:even 和 :odd 選擇符都使用JavaScript內置從0開始的編號方式,因此,第一行的編號為0(偶數),第二行的編號為1(奇數),依此類推。

But wait! Why use the :even selector for odd-numbered rows? Well, just as with the :eq() selector, the :even and :odd selectors use JavaScript's native zero-based numbering. Therefore, the first row counts as 0 (even) and the second row counts as 1 (odd), and so on. With this in mind, we can expect our simple bit of code to produce tables that look similar to the following screenshot:

值得一提的是,:nth-child() 是 jQuery 中唯一從1開始計數的選擇符。

As before, note that :nth-child() is the only jQuery selector that is one-based. To achieve the same row striping as we did above—except with consistent behavior for the second table—we need to use odd rather than even as the argument. With this selector in place, both tables are now striped nicely, as shown in the following screenshot:


It's important to note that the :contains() selector is case-sensitive. Using $('td:contains(henry)') instead, without the uppercase "H," would select no cells.


Admittedly, there are ways to achieve the row striping and text highlighting without jQuery—or any client-side programming, for that matter. Nevertheless, jQuery, along with CSS, is a great alternative for this type of styling in cases where the content is generated dynamically and we don't have access to either the HTML or server-side code.


For the most part, however, the two ways of selecting elements complement each other. Furthermore, the .filter() method in particular has enormous power because it can take a function as its argument. The function allows us to create complex tests for whether elements should be kept in the matched set. Let's suppose, for example, we want to add a class to all external links. jQuery has no selector for this sort of case. Without a filter function, we'd be forced to explicitly loop through each element, testing each one separately. With the following filter function, however, we can still rely on jQuery's implicit iteration and keep our code compact:


Chaining can be like speaking a whole paragraph's worth of words in a single breath—it gets the job done quickly, but it can be hard for someone else to understand. Breaking it up into multiple lines and adding judicious comments can save more time in the long run.


On the other hand, a handler registered using $(document).ready() is invoked when the DOM is completely ready for use. This also means that all elements are accessible by our scripts, but does not mean that every associated file has been downloaded. As soon as the HTML has been downloaded and parsed into a DOM tree, the code can run.


To be fair, jQuery doesn't have a monopoly on workarounds to this issue. We can write a JavaScript function that forms a new function that calls the existing onload handler, then calls a passed-in handler. This approach avoids conflicts between rival handlers like $(document).ready() does, but lacks some of the other benefits we have discussed. In modern browsers, including Internet Explorer 9, the DOMContentLoaded event can be triggered with the W3C standard document.addEventListener() method. However, if we need to support older browsers as well, jQuery handles the inconsistencies that these browsers present so that we don't have to.


$(document).ready(function() {
// Our code here...
We can also write the following code:
$(function() {
// Our code here...
While this other syntax is shorter, the longer version makes code more descriptive about what it is doing. For this reason, we will use the longer syntax throughout this book.

多次調用 .bind() 也沒有任何問題,即可以按需求為同一個事件追加更多的行為。
(Bear: 意即單一個事件可以同時綁定多個行為,就像是C#的事件綁定一樣)

That's all there is to binding a behavior to an event. The advantages we discussed with the .ready() method apply here, as well. Multiple calls to .bind() coexist nicely, appending additional behaviors to the same event as necessary.

當觸發任何事件處理程序時,關鍵字 this 引用的都是攜帶相應行為的DOM元素。前面我們談到過,$()函數可以將DOM元素作為參數,而 this 關鍵字是實現這個功的關鍵。通過在事件處理程序中使用 $(this) ,可以為相應的元素創建jQuery對象,然後就如同使用CSS選擇符找到該元素一樣對它進行操作。

When any event handler is triggered, the keyword this refers to the DOM element to which the behavior was attached. Earlier we noted that the $() function could take a DOM element as its argument; this is one of the key reasons that facility is available. By writing $(this) within the event handler, we create a jQuery object corresponding to the element, and can act on it just as if we had located it with a CSS selector.


Note that we need to move the general handler above the specific ones now. The .removeClass() needs to happen before the .addClass(), and we can count on this because jQuery always triggers event handlers in the order in which they were registered. Finally, we can get rid of the specific handlers entirely by, once again, exploiting event context. As the context keyword this gives us a DOM element rather than a jQuery object, we can use native DOM properties to determine the ID of the element that was clicked. We can, thus, bind the same handler to all the buttons and within the handler perform different actions for each button, as follows:


To solve this problem, we need access to the event object. This is a DOM construct that is passed to each element's event handler when it is invoked. It provides information about the event, such as where the mouse cursor was at the time of the event. It also provides some methods that can be used to affect the progress of the event through the DOM.

不過有必要在這裡提醒一下大家,其實可以直接使用 .live() 替換 .bind() ,從而獲得使用事件委托的很多好處。

As event delegation can be helpful in so many situations, jQuery includes a set of methods specifically for using this technique. We'll fully examine these methods— .live(), .die(), .delegate(), and .undelegate()—in Chapter 10, Advanced Events. It's worth mentioning now, however, that .live() can be used as a drop-in replacement for .bind() while providing much of the benefit of event delegation. For example, to bind a live click handler to the style-switcher buttons, we can write the following code snippet:


Also, recall that .bind() takes a function reference as its second argument. It is important to remember when using a named function here to omit parentheses after the function name; parentheses would cause the function to be called, rather than referenced.

對於只需觸發一次,隨後要立即解除綁定的情況也有一種簡寫方法~ .one()

A shortcut is also available for the situation in which we want to unbind an event handler immediately after the first time it is triggered. This shortcut, called .one(), is used as follows:

如果想知道用戶按了那個鍵,應該監聽keyup 或 keydown 事件;如果想知道用戶輸入的是什麼字符,應該監聽 keypress 事件。

There are two types of keyboard events: those that react to the keyboard directly (keyup and keydown) and those that react to text input (keypress). A single character entry event could correspond to several keys: for example, the Shift key in combination with the X key creates the capital letter X. While the specifics of implementation differ from one browser to the next (unsurprisingly), a safe rule of thumb is as follows: if you want to know what key the user pushed, then you should observe the keyup or keydown event; if you want to know what character ended up on the screen as a result, then you should observe the keypress event. For this feature, we just want to know when the user presses the D, N, or L key, so we will use keyup.

事實上,鍵盤事件的目標是當前擁有鍵盤焦點的元素。元素的焦點可會在幾種情況下轉移,包括單擊鼠標和按下 Tab 鍵。

Next, we need to determine which element should watch for the event. This is a little less obvious than with mouse events, where we have an obvious mouse cursor to tell us about the event's target. Instead, the target of a keyboard event is the element that currently has the keyboard focus. The element with focus can be changed in several ways, including mouse clicks and presses of the Tab key. Not every element can get the focus either; only items that have default keyboard-driven behaviors such as form fields, links, and elements with a .tabIndex property are candidates.

同樣,在需要多次使用某個 jQuery 對象時,最好也把這個對象保存到一個變量中,從而達到緩存數據的目的。

Next, the font size can be easily discovered by using the .css() method: $('div.speech').css('fontSize'). However, the returned value is a string, containing both the numeric font size value and the units of that value (px). We'll need to strip the unit label off in order to perform calculations with the numeric value. Also, when we plan to use a jQuery object more than once, it's generally a good idea to cache the selector by storing the resulting jQuery object in a variable.

注意變量名 $speech 中的 $。由於$是JavaScript變量中合法的字符,因此可以利用它來提醒自已該變量中保存著一個jQuery對象。

The first line inside $(document).ready() now creates a variable containing a jQuery object pointing to <div class="speech">. Notice the use of a $ in the variable name, $speech. As $ is a legal character in JavaScript identifiers, we can use it as a reminder that the variable is storing a jQuery object.


It is worth examining these animated properties in detail. The borderWidth property is straightforward, as we are specifying a constant value with units, just as we would in a stylesheet. The left property is a computed numeric value. The unit suffix is optional on these properties; as we omit it here, px is assumed. Finally, the height property uses a syntax we have not seen before. The += prefix on a property value indicates a relative value. So, instead of animating the height to 20 pixels, the height is animated to 20 pixels greater than the current height. Because of the special characters involved, relative values must be specified as a string, so must be enclosed in quotes.

可靠地引用 $(this) 的一種簡單方法,就是在.click()方法內部把它保存到一個變量中,例如var $clickedItem = $(this).

A simple way to keep the $(this) reference stable is to store it in a variable right away within the click handler, like var $clickedItem = $(this).


The Firebug inspector shows us that the highlighted <p> element has an attribute called class with a value of square. In the right panel, we can see that this element has a corresponding property called className with a value of square. This illustrates one of the rare situations in which an attribute and its equivalent property have different names.


In most cases, attributes and properties are functionally interchangeable, and jQuery takes care of the naming inconsistencies for us. However, at times we do need to be mindful of the differences between the two. In particular, data types may differ: the checked attribute has a string value, while the checked property has a Boolean value. For these Boolean attributes, it is best to test and set the property rather than the attribute to ensure consistent cross-browser behavior.


Accessibility reminder
We should keep in mind, once again, the inherent danger in making certain functionality, visual appeal, or textual information available only to those with web browsers capable of (and enabled for) using JavaScript. Important information should be accessible to all, not just people who happen to be using the right software.

在預設情況下,.clone()方法不會複制匹配的元素或其後代元素中綁定的事件。不過可以為這個方法傳遞一個布林值參數,將這個參數設置為true,就可以連同事件 一起複制,即 .clone(true) 。這樣一來就就可以避免每次複制之後還要手工重新綁定事件的麻煩。

Clone with events
The .clone() method, by default, does not copy any events that are bound to the matching element or any of its descendants. However, it can take a single Boolean parameter that, when set to true, clones events as well: .clone(true). This convenient event cloning allows us to avoid having to deal with manually rebinding events, as was discussed in Chapter 3.

(Bear: 這裡要看範例程式會比較清楚)

When called without arguments, .html() returns a string representation of the HTML inside the matched element. With an argument, the contents of the element are replaced by the supplied HTML. Take care to only specify valid HTML, escaping special characters properly, when using this technique.


Note that the HTML is now styled, whereas before it was plain. This is due to the CSS rules in the main document; as soon as the new HTML snippet is inserted, the rules apply to its elements as well.


If actions must be delayed until the load has been completed, jQuery provides a callback for this. We've already used callbacks in Chapter 4, Styling and Animating, using them to execute actions after an effect has completed. Ajax callbacks perform a similar function, executing after data arrives from the server. An example will be provided below.


While based on JavaScript object literals and array literals, JSON is more prescriptive about its syntax requirements and more restrictive about the values it allows. For example, JSON specifies that all object keys, as well as all string values, must be enclosed in double quotes. Furthermore, functions are not valid JSON values. Because of its strictness, developers should avoid hand-editing JSON and instead rely on a server-side language to format it properly.


This approach presumes that the data is safe for HTML consumption; it should not contain any stray < characters, for example.

在代碼清單6-13中,我們把event對象傳入了submit處理程序,並使用event.preventDefault()而不是return false結束該處理程序。當預設動作是重新加載頁面或打開新頁面時,我們推薦這做法。例如,如果submit處理程序中包含JavaScript錯誤,那麼在第一行代碼中阻止預設動作就能確保不會提交表單,而且瀏覽器的錯誤控制台也會收到錯誤報告。第3章曾介紹過,return false 意味著同時調用 event.preventDefault() 和 event.stopPropagation()。因此要想停止事件冒泡,我們還得再調用後者。

Return false or prevent default?
In Listing 6.13, we have chosen to pass the event object into the submit handler and use event.preventDefault() rather than ending the handler with return false. This practice is recommended when the default action would otherwise reload the page or load another page. If our submit handler, for example, contains a JavaScript error, then preventing default on the handler's first line ensures that the form will not be submitted and our browser's error console will properly report the error. Remember from Chapter 3, Handling Events, however, that return false calls both event.preventDefault() and event. stopPropagation(). In order to stop the event from bubbling, we would need to call the latter as well.

由於在動態注入的<script>標籤中,腳本可以來源於任何一個域(src屬性可以指向任何第三方站點),也就意味著可以通過該腳本中的XMLHttpRequest對象取得任何其它域中的信息,因而就繞過了"同源策略"的安全限制。Google Map的Google Maps API(http://google.com/apis/maps)就採用了這種動態生成<script>標籤的技術。


Therefore, a good rule of thumb is to consider developers' time more valuable than the computer's time, unless we notice slowness in our application.


As a general rule of thumb, we should prefer selectors that are part of the CSS specification over jQuery's custom selectors whenever possible. Still, before changing our selectors, it makes sense to first confirm that there is a need to increase performance and then test just how much the change would boost performance with a benchmarking tool such as http://jsperf.com.

總結一下,調用.on()方法的對象任何時候都是實際綁定處理程序的對象,負責處理事件。在不給.on()提供選擇符參數的情況下,就是普通的事件綁定;而在給.on()提供選擇符參數的情況下,就是事件委托,調用.on()的元素就是事件委托中的受托方(如上面例子中的.comment 和 document)。
