2012年11月22日 星期四

The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers (Robert C. Martin Series)


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This philosophy is sometimes called merciless refactoring. I call it “the Boy Scout rule”: Always check in a module cleaner than when you checked it out. Always make some random act of kindness to the code whenever you see it.


Your career is your responsibility. It is not your employer’s responsibility to make sure you are marketable. It is not your employer’s responsibility to train you, or to send you to conferences, or to buy you books. These things are your responsibility. Woe to the software developer who entrusts his career to his employer.


It is also not your employer’s responsibility to give you the time you need to learn. Some employers may provide that time. Some employers may even demand that you take the time. But again, they are doing you a favor, and you should be appropriately appreciative. Such favors are not something you should expect.



Remember Santayana’s curse: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
Here is a minimal list of the things that every software professional should be conversant with:
1. Design patterns. You ought to be able to describe all 24 patterns in the GOF book and have a working knowledge of many of the patterns in the POSA books.
2. Design principles. You should know the SOLID principles and have a good understanding of the component principles.
3. Methods. You should understand XP, Scrum, Lean, Kanban, Waterfall, Structured Analysis, and Structured Design.
4. Disciplines. You should practice TDD, Object-Oriented design, Structured Programming, Continuous Integration, and Pair Programming.
5. Artifacts: You should know how to use: UML, DFDs, Structure Charts, Petri Nets, State Transition Diagrams and Tables, flow charts, and decision tables.


Professionals practice. True professionals work hard to keep their skills sharp and ready. It is not enough to simply do your daily job and call that practice. Doing your daily job is performance, not practice. Practice is when you specifically exercise your skills outside of the performance of your job for the sole purpose of refining and enhancing those skills.


So what could software developers do to practice? There’s a whole chapter in this book dedicated to different practice techniques, so I won’t go into much detail here. One technique I use frequently is the repetition of simple exercises such as the Bowling Game or Prime Factors. I call these exercises kata. There are many such kata to choose from.


A kata usually comes in the form of a simple programming problem to solve, such as writing the function that calculates the prime factors of an integer. The point of doing the kata is not to figure out how to solve the problem; you know how to do that already. The point of the kata is to train your fingers and your brain.


Your employer’s problems are your problems. You need to understand what those problems are and work toward the best solutions. As you develop a system you need to put yourself in your employer’s shoes and make sure that the features you are developing are really going to address your employer’s needs.


“Do; or do not. There is no trying.”— Yoda


Perhaps you think that Paula should have explained why the login page was going to take so much longer. My experience is that the why is a lot less important than the fact. That fact is that the login page will require two weeks. Why it will take two weeks is just a detail.

The most important time to say no is when the stakes are highest. The higher the stakes, the more valuable no becomes.

Don:炒了我也沒法改變進度預估, Charles.

Don: “ Firing me isn’t going to change the estimate, Charles.”


Say. Mean. Do.
There are three parts to making a commitment.
1. You say you’ll do it.
2. You mean it.
3. You actually do it.




Here are some examples of words and phrases to look for that are telltale signs of noncommitment:

1. Need\should. “We need to get this done.” “I need to lose weight.” “Someone should make that happen.”
2. Hope\wish. “I hope to get this done by tomorrow.” “I hope we can meet again some day.” “I wish I had time for that.” “I wish this computer was faster.”
3. Let’s. (not followed by “I . . .”) “Let’s meet sometime.” “Let’s finish this thing.”

As you start to look for these words you’ll see that you start spotting them almost everywhere around you, and even in things you say to others.

You’ll find we tend to be very busy not taking responsibility for things.


What’s important about this sentence? You’re stating a fact about something YOU will do with a clear end time. You’re not talking about anyone else but yourself. You’re talking about an action that you will take. You won’t “possibly” take it, or “might get to it”; you will achieve it.


It wouldn’t work because sometimes I just won’t make it.

That happens. Something unexpected might happen, and that’s life. But you still want to live up to expectations. In that case, it’s time to change the expectations, as soon as possible.

If you can’t make your commitment, the most important thing is to raise a red flag as soon as possible to whoever you committed to.

The earlier you raise the flag to all stakeholders, the more likely there will be time for the team to stop, reassess the current actions being taken, and decide if something can be done or changed (in terms of priorities, for example). By doing this, your commitment can still be fulfilled, or you can change to a different commitment.


One important point here is: If you don’t tell anyone about the potential problem as soon as possible, you’re not giving anyone a chance to help you follow through on your commitment.


Professionals know their limits. They know how much overtime they can effectively apply, and they know what the cost will be.


Professionals are not required to say yes to everything that is asked of them. However, they should work hard to find creative ways to make “yes” possible. When professionals say yes, they use the language of commitment so that there is no doubt about what they’ve promised.


At first I typed quite a few in error. By the end of the evening I was typing them all with near perfection. I realized, during that long night, that typing blind is all about confidence. My fingers knew where the keys were, I just had to gain the confidence that I wasn’t making a mistake. One of the things that helped with that confidence is that I could feel when I was making an error. By the end of the evening, if I made a mistake, I knew it almost instantly and simply ejected the card without looking at it.


Being able to sense your errors is really important. Not just in typing, but in everything. Having error-sense means that you very rapidly close the feedback loop and learn from your errors all the more quickly. I’ve studied, and mastered, several disciplines since that day on the 029. I’ve found that in each case that the key to mastery is confidence and error-sense.


This chapter describes my personal set of rules and principles for coding. These rules and principles are not about my code itself; they are about my behavior, mood, and attitude while writing code. They describe my own mental, moral, and emotional context for writing code. These are the roots of my confidence and error-sense.


If you are tired or distracted, do not code. You’ll only wind up redoing what you did. Instead, find a way to eliminate the distractions and settle your mind.


The moral of this story is: Don’t write code when you are tired. Dedication and professionalism are more about discipline than hours. Make sure that your sleep, health, and lifestyle are tuned so that you can put in eight good hours per day.


The trick to managing lateness is early detection and transparency. The worst case scenario occurs when you continue to tell everyone, up to the very end, that you will be on time—and then let them all down. Don’t do this. Instead, regularly measure your progress against your goal, and come up with three fact-based end dates: best case, nominal case, and worst case. Be as honest as you can about all three dates. Do not incorporate hope into your estimates! Present all three numbers to your team and stakeholders. Update these numbers daily.



Therefore you should not agree to work overtime unless (1) you can personally afford it, (2) it is short term, two weeks or less, and (3) your boss has a fall-back plan in case the overtime effort fails.

That last criterion is a deal breaker. If your boss cannot articulate to you what he’s going to do if the overtime effort fails, then you should not agree to work overtime.


1. You are not allowed to write any production code until you have first written a failing unit test.
2. You are not allowed to write more of a unit test than is sufficient to fail—and not compiling is failing.
3. You are not allowed to write more production code that is sufficient to pass the currently failing unit test.


In martial arts, a kata is a precise set of choreographed movements that simulates one side of a combat. The goal, which is asymptotically approached, is perfection. The artist strives to teach his body to make each movement perfectly and to assemble those movements into fluid enactment. Well-executed kata are beautiful to watch.


There are two truths about meeting.
1. Meetings are necessary.
2. Meetings are huge time wasters.


Professionals are aware of the high cost of meetings. They are also aware that their own time is precious; they have code to write and schedules to meet. Therefore, they actively resist attending meetings that don’t have an immediate and significant benefit.


The person inviting you to a meeting is not responsible for managing your time. Only you can do that. So when you receive a meeting invitation, don’t accept unless it is a meeting for which your participation is immediately and significantly necessary to the job you are doing now.


Meetings don’t always go as planned. Sometimes you find yourself sitting in a meeting that you would have declined had you known more. Sometimes new topics get added, or somebody’s pet peeve dominates the discussion. Over the years I’ve developed a simple rule: When the meeting gets boring, leave.


Again, you have an obligation to manage your time well. If you find yourself stuck in a meeting that is not a good use of your time, you need to find a way to politely exit that meeting.


These meetings are part of the Agile cannon. Their name comes from the factthat the participants are expected to stand while the meeting is in session. Each participant takes a turn to answer three questions:

1. What did I do yesterday?
2. What am I going to do today?
3. What’s in my way?


If things work out, then that path was workable. If you get into trouble, you can back out and go down the other path. It would be wise to agree on a time as well as a set of criteria to help determine when the chosen path should be abandoned.


Beware of meetings that are really just a venue to vent a disagreement and to gather support for one side or the other. And avoid those where only one of the arguers is presenting.

慎重的態度和積累的經驗可以幫你避免某些死胡同,但是沒法完全避免所有的。所以你真正需要的是,在走入死胡同時可以迅速意識到,並有足夠的勇氣走回頭路。這就是所謂的坑法則(The Rule of Holes):如果你掉進了坑里,別挖。

Prudence and experience will help you avoid certain blind alleys, but you’ll never avoid them all. So the real skill you need is to quickly realize when you are in one, and have the courage to back out. This is sometimes called The Rule of Holes: When you are in one, stop digging.


The problem is that we view estimates in different ways. Business likes to view estimates as commitments. Developers like to view estimates as guesses. The difference is profound.


The professional developer is calm and decisive under pressure. As the pressure grows he adheres to his training and disciplines, knowing that they are the best way to meet the deadlines and commitments that are pressing on him.


The best way to stay calm under pressure is to avoid the situations that cause pressure. That avoidance may not eliminate the pressure completely, but it can go a long way towards minimizing and shortening the high-pressure periods.


Instead of looking around in a panic for something, anything, that will help you get done faster, become more deliberate and dedicated to following your chosen disciplines. If you follow TDD, then write even more tests than usual. If you are a merciless refactorer, then refactor even more. If you keep your functions small, then keep them even smaller. The only way through the pressure cooker is to rely on what you already know works—your disciplines.


One of the worst symptoms of a dysfunctional team is when each programmer builds a wall around his code and refuses to let other programmers touch it. I have been to places where the programmers wouldn’t even let other programmers see their code. This is a recipe for disaster.