2011年7月30日 星期六

HTML5: Up and Running


人民幣:RMB 45 元

Modernizr is an open source, MIT-licensed JavaScript library that detects support for many HTML5 and CSS3 features. At the time of writing, the latest version is 1.1. You should always use the latest version. To do so, include the following <script> element at the top of your page:

<script src="modernizr.min.js"></script>

注意,JavaScript是大小寫敏感的,Modernizr庫中的屬性名稱是localstorage(全部小寫),而DOM中的屬性名稱是 window.localStorage(大小寫都有)。

Note that JavaScript is case-sensitive. The Modernizr attribute is called localstorage (all lowercase), but the DOM property is called window.localStorage (mixed case).

Q: How secure is my HTML5 Storage database? Can anyone read it?

任何物理上能訪問你計算機的人都可以查看(或是修改),你HTML5的本地數據庫。在瀏覽器中,任何網站都可以讀取和修改它們自已的數據,但是不同站點的存儲數據是不能相互訪問的。這被稱為"同源限制"(same-origin restriction)。

A: Anyone who has physical access to your computer can probably look at (or even change) your HTML5 Storage database. Within your browser, any website can read and modify its own values, but sites can’t access values stored by other sites. This is called a same-origin restriction.

Modernizr中的屬性名稱是 webworkers(全部小寫 ),而DOM中的屬性名稱是window.Worker(Worker中首 W 字母是大寫)。

Note that JavaScript is case-sensitive. The Modernizr attribute is called webworkers (all lowercase), but the DOM object is called window.Worker (with a capital “W” in “Worker”).

Modernizr庫中這個屬性名稱是 applicationcache(全部小寫),但是DOM中的屬性名稱是window.applicationCache(大小寫都有)。

Note that JavaScript is case-sensitive. The Modernizr attribute is called applicationc ache (all lowercase), but the DOM object is called window.applicationCache (mixed case).

Instead of writing 13 separate functions yourself, you can use Modernizr (see “Modernizr: An HTML5 Detection Library” on page 16) to detect support for all the new input types defined in HTML5. Modernizr reuses a single <input> element to efficiently detect support for all 13 input types. Then it builds a hash called Modernizr.input types, which contains 13 keys (the HTML5 type attributes) and 13 Boolean values (true if supported, false if not):
if (!Modernizr.inputtypes.date) {
// no native support for <input type="date"> :(
// maybe build one yourself with
// Dojo
// or jQueryUI

Modernizr does not yet support checking for the microdata API, so you’ll need to use a function like this one.

<DOCTYPE html>

This is the HTML5 doctype:
<DOCTYPE html>
That’s it. Just 15 characters. It’s so easy, you can type it by hand and not screw it up.


Your doctype needs to be on the first line of your HTML file. If there’s anything else before it—even a single blank line—certain browsers will treat your page as if it has no doctype at all. Without a doctype, the browser will render your page in quirks mode. This can be a very difficult error to catch. Extra whitespace usually doesn’t matter in HTML, so my eyes tend to just skip over it, but in this case it’s very important!


Q: I never use funny characters. Do I still need to declare my character encoding?
A: Yes! You should always specify a character encoding on every HTML page you serve. Not specifying an encoding can lead to security vulnerabilities.


Every browser has a master list of HTML elements that it supports. For example, Mozilla Firefox’s list is stored in nsElementTable.cpp. Elements not in this list are treated as “unknown elements.” There are two fundamental questions regarding unknown elements:


How should the element be styled?
By default, <p> has spacing on the top and bottom, <blockquote> is indented with a left margin, and <h1> is displayed in a larger font.


What should the element’s DOM look like?
Mozilla’s nsElementTable.cpp includes information about what kinds of other elements each element can contain. If you include markup like <p><p>, the second paragraph element implicitly closes the first one, so the elements end up as siblings, not parent and child. But if you write <p><span>, the span does not close the paragraph, because Firefox knows that <p> is a block element that can contain the inline element <span>. So the <span> ends up as a child of the <p> in the DOM.


In HTML 4, the only way to create a document outline was with the <h1>–<h6> elements. If you only wanted one root node in your outline, you had to limit yourself to one <h1> in your markup. But the HTML5 specification defines an algorithm for generating a document outline that incorporates the new semantic elements in HTML5. The HTML5 algorithm says that an <article> element creates a new section, that is, a new node in the document outline. And in HTML5, each section can have its own <h1> element.

新的顯式分節元素(比如包裹於<article>中的<h1>),可能會以意料之外的方式同舊的"隱式"分節元素(<h1>到<h6>)互相影響。為了避免麻煩,你最好只用二者其中之一,而不是同時使用。如果不得不同時使用,那就要確保用HTML5 Outliner檢查頁面代碼,並確認文檔大綱是正確無誤的。

As with all things on the Web, reality is a little more complicated than I’m letting on. The new “explicit” sectioning elements (like <h1> wrapped in <article>) may interact in unexpected ways with the old “implicit” sectioning elements (<h1>-<h6> by themselves). Your life will be simpler if you use one or the other, but not both. If you must use both on the same page, be sure to check the result in the HTML5 Outliner and verify that your document outline makes sense.


In this example, the datetime attribute only specifies a date, not a time. The format is a four-digit year, two-digit month, and two-digit day, separated by dashes:
<time datetime="2009-10-22" pubdate>October 22, 2009</time>


If you want to include a time too, add the letter T after the date, then the time in 24-hour format, then a timezone offset:
<time datetime="2009-10-22T13:59:47-04:00" pubdate>
October 22, 2009 1:59pm EDT


What does the pubdate attribute mean? It means one of two things. If the <time> element is in an <article> element, it means that this timestamp is the publication date of the article. If the <time> element is not in an <article> element, it means that this timestamp is the publication date of the entire document.


You can have several <canvas> elements on the same page. Each canvas will show up in the DOM, and each canvas maintains its own state. If you give each canvas an id attribute, you can access them just like you would any other element.

一旦你從DOM中找到一個<canvas> 元素(使用by using document.getElementById()或任何你喜歡的方式),你就可以調用它的getContext()方法。你必須要給getContext()傳遞一個字符串"2d"作為參數。

The first line of the function is nothing special; it just finds the <canvas> element in the DOM. The second line is where it gets more interesting. Every canvas has a drawing context, which is where all the fun stuff happens. Once you’ve found a <canvas> element in the DOM (by using document.getElementById() or any other method you like), you can call its getContext() method. You must pass the string "2d" to the getContext() method:

function draw_b() {
var b_canvas = document.getElementById("b");
var b_context = b_canvas.getContext("2d");
b_context.fillRect(50, 25, 150, 100);


Q: Can I “reset” a canvas?
A: Yes. Setting the width or height of a <canvas> element will erase its contents and reset all the properties of its drawing context to their default values. You don’t even need to change the width; you can simply set it to its current value, like this:

var b_canvas = document.getElementById("b");
b_canvas.width = b_canvas.width;

Q: Why did you start x and y at 0.5? Why not 0?
A: Imagine each pixel as a large square. The whole-number coordinates (0, 1, 2...) are the edges of the squares. If you draw a one-unit-wide line between whole-number coordinates, it will overlap opposite sides of the pixel square, and the resulting line will be drawn two pixels wide. To draw a line that is only one pixel wide, you need to shift the coordinates by 0.5 perpendicular to the line’s direction.

canvas坐標系圖表(參見第60頁的Canvas 坐標系一節)中包含了文字、線條和圖形,文本只是其中的一小部份。更復雜的圖表可以簡單地通過調用 drawImage() 來繪制小圖標,合成背景圖或其它一些圖形。

The simple answer is that you’d do this for the same reason you might want to draw text on a canvas (see “Text” on page 63). Our canvas coordinates diagram (see “Canvas Coordinates” on page 60) included text, lines, and shapes; the text-on-a-canvas element was just one part of a larger work. A more complex diagram could easily use drawImage() to include icons, sprites, or other graphics.


Whew! Mouse events are tough. But you can use the same logic (in fact, this exact code) in all of your own canvas-based applications. Remember: mouse click→documentrelative coordinates→canvas-relative coordinates→application-specific code.


But wait a second. If you’ve been following along through this whole chapter, you know that you don’t have just one video file; you have three. One is an .ogv file that you created with Firefogg (see “Encoding Ogg Video with Firefogg” on page 91) or ffmpeg2theora (see “Batch Encoding Ogg Video with ffmpeg2theora” on page 98). The second is an .mp4 file that you created with HandBrake (see “Encoding H.264 Video with HandBrake” on page 100). The third is a .webm file that you created with ffmpeg (see “Encoding WebM Video with ffmpeg” on page 108). HTML5 provides a way to link to all three of them: the <source> element.


Each <video> element can contain as many <source> elements as you need. Your browser will go down the list of video sources, in order, and play the first one it’s able to play.


The type attribute looks complicated—hell, it is complicated. It contains three pieces of information: the container format (see “Video Containers” on page 81), the video codec (see “Video Codecs” on page 83), and the audio codec (see “Audio Codecs” on page 85). Let’s start from the bottom. For the .ogv video file, the container format is Ogg, represented here as video/ogg. (Technically speaking, that’s the MIME type for Ogg video files.) The video codec is Theora, and the audio codec is Vorbis. That’s simple enough, except the format of the attribute value is a little screwy. The codecs value itself has to include quotation marks, which means you’ll need to use a different kind of quotation mark to surround the entire type value:

<source src="pr6.ogv" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'>

The <source> element for the WebM file is much the same, but with a different MIME type (video/webm instead of video/ogg) and a different video codec (vp8 instead of theora) listed within the codecs parameter:

<source src="pr6.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"'>

The <source> element for the H.264 file is even more complicated. Remember when I said that both H.264 video (see “H.264” on page 84) and AAC audio (see “Advanced Audio Coding” on page 87) can come in different “profiles”? We encoded with the H.264 Baseline profile and the AAC low-complexity profile, then wrapped it all in an MPEG-4 container. All of that information is included in the type attribute:

<source src="pr6.mp4" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"'>


The benefit of going to all this trouble is that the browser will be able to check the type attribute first to see if it can play a particular video file. If a browser decides it can’t play a particular video, it won’t download the file. Not even part of the file. You’ll save on bandwidth, and your visitors will see the video they came for, faster.




What’s the proper MIME type? You’ve already seen it; it’s part of the value of the type attribute of a <source> element. But setting the type attribute in your HTML markup is not sufficient. You also need to ensure that your web server includes the proper MIME type in the Content-Type HTTP header.


The url property was originally called uri. Some browsers shipped with that property before the specification changed. For maximum compatibility, you should check whether the url property exists and, if not, check for the uri property instead.


The most important part of this function is the caveat that I mentioned earlier in this chapter, which I’ll repeat here: Data is stored as strings. If you are storing something other than a string, you’ll need to coerce it yourself when you retrieve it. For example, the flag for whether there is a game in progress (gGameInProgress) is a Boolean. In the saveGameState() function, we just stored it and didn’t worry about the datatype:

localStorage["halma.game.in.progress"] = gGameInProgress;

But in the resumeGame() function, we need to treat the value we got from the local storage area as a string and manually construct the proper Boolean value ourselves:

gGameInProgress = (localStorage["halma.game.in.progress"] == "true");
