2011年7月5日 星期二

Beginning C# 2008 Objects

Beginning C# 2008 Objects中文版--概念到代碼(第2版)

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本書第II部份(第8章到第12章)對象建模101(Object Modeling 101)講的是UML建構過程,


A method body is permitted to include more than one return statement if desired. For an example of a method containing multiple return statements, let’s look once again at the IsHonorsStudent method discussed previously:
bool IsHonorsStudent()
if (gpa >= 3.5)
return true; // first return statement
return false; // second return statement

Good programming practice, however, is to have only one return statement in a method and to use a locally declared variable to capture the result that is to ultimately be returned. Having only a single return statement can make it easier to follow the execution flow of a complicated method. Although it is not a particularly complicated method, here is an alternative version of the IsHonorsStudent method that observes this practice:
bool IsHonorsStudent()
// Declare a local variable to keep track of the outcome;
// arbitrarily initialize it to false.
bool honors = false;
if (gpa >= 3.5)
honors = true;
honors = false;
// We now have a single return statement at the end of our method.
return honors;


Pascal casing (uppercase starting letter) is used for all class and method names regardless of their accessibility. It’s also used for the names of public fields. Camel casing (lowercase starting letter) is used for the names of nonpublic fields.


If you want more information, consult the section “Statements, Expressions, and Operators” from the “C# Programming Guide” at the MSDN web site.



Note that we devise the names for both types of method by capitalizing the first letter of the field name and sticking either Get or Set in front of it. There is one exception to this method naming convention: when a field is of type bool, it’s recommended that we name the “get” method starting with the verb Is instead of with Get. The “set” method for a bool field would still follow the standard naming convention.



But again, this ripple effect is due to the fact that we changed a public member of our class—a public property header, to be precise. As long as we restrict our changes to private members of a class—private field and accessor code bodies, but not public method/property header(s)— ripple effects are not an issue.


However, it’s considered a best practice to get into the habit of invoking a class’s accessors, when available, even from within that class’s own methods, instead of directly accessing fields “just because we can,” as a convenience. The reason for this is as follows: just because a field may be simple today, there’s no guarantee that it won’t become complicated down the road.

public void Print()
// Print the values of all of the fields that the Student class
// knows about; note use of get accessors.
Console.WriteLine("Student Name: " + Name + "\n" +
"Student No.: " + StudentId + "\n" +
"Major Field: " + MajorField + "\n" +
"GPA: " + Gpa);

// This example accesses fields directly by name, bypassing the
// associated properties; this approach is discouraged.
Console.WriteLine("Student Name: " + name + "\n" +
"Student No.: " + studentId + "\n" +
"Major Field: " + majorField + "\n" +
"GPA: " + gpa);

Using get accessors within a class’s own methods reflects a “best practice” discussion that we had in Chapter 4; it allows us to take advantage of any value checking or other operations that the get accessor may provide.


Derived class E (GraduateStudent) overrides this method again, to print not only the fields inherited from Student (which include those inherited from Person) but also those that were added by the GraduateStudent class itself.

如果Student類從Person類繼承的Print方法頭為不帶參數的public void Print(),那麼Student類就不能更改方法頭,例如,讓它接受1個實參:public void Print(int noOfCopies)。這樣做會創建一個完全不同的方法,在C#語言中這種特性稱為重載(overloading)。

Bear: 用錯了virtual >> override的技術的話,會造成overload

Don’t Attempt to Change a Method Header
For example, if the Print method inherited by the Student class from the Person class has the header public void Print(), where the method takes no arguments, then the Student class can’t change this method to require an argument, say, public void Print(int noOfCopies). To do so is to create a different method entirely, due to another C# language feature known as overloading, discussed next.


This “take two” approach of introducing two new classes/abstractions—TranscriptEntry and Transcript—is a bit more sophisticated than the first approach, in which we introduced TranscriptEntry only as an abstraction. Also, this second approach is “truer” to the object paradigm, because the Student class needn’t be complicated by the details of how Transcripts are represented or managed internally—those details are hidden inside of the Transcript class, as they should be.


A class may simultaneously extend a single base class and implement one or more interfaces, as follows:
public class Professor : Person, ITeacher, IAdministrator {...}
Under such circumstances, the name of the base class must always come first in the list, followed by the names of all interfaces to be implemented.


In other words, the compiler will consider only the first entry after the colon as a base class, and everything else in the list is assumed to be an interface.


Interfaces can’t be instantiated.

using SRS;
using ObjectStart;
using System;
public class Example
static void Main()
// We are still qualifying Course wherever we use it in
// this program...
SRS.Course math = new SRS.Course();
ObjectStart.Course english = new ObjectStart.Course();
//...but simple name string is OK because of the using
// directive at the top of the code listing.
string name = "Dinesh Prabhu";
math.Professor = name;
// Ditto for Student.
Student s = new Student();
// etc.


If we precede the opening double quote mark of a string literal with @, the literal will be read verbatim from the source code file, allowing the literal to span multiple lines and leaving all newlines, tabs, backslashes, and so on intact.


String str = "Tom Servo";
Console.WriteLine("The first character is " + str[0]);

This code snippet would generate the following output:

The first character is Ts

public static void Resize(ref T[] array, int newSize)該方法用於重新設置一維數組的大小。嚴格來說,實際發生了如下操作:創建指定大小的新數組,將舊數組的元素複製到新數組中,然後用新數組取代舊數組。

Bear: Array的Resize是重新建立新的Array而非修改原有的Array喔

public static void Resize(ref T[] array, int newSize): This method is used to resize a one-dimensional array. Strictly speaking, what takes place is a new array is created with the specified size, the elements of the old array are copied into the new one, and the old array is replaced with the new one.


The var keyword can only be applied to local variables and can’t be used on fields declared at the class level. Implicitly typed local variables can’t be used with the array initializer.


static void Main()
static int Main()
static void Main(string[] args)
static int Main(string[] args)


Note that none of the four Main method headers includes an access modifier (for example, public). If we include one, the runtime will ignore it. The C# convention is to omit the access modifier from the Main method.


public string GetFacultyAdvisorName()
// Note: since some of our constructors initialize
// facultyAdvisor with a Professor object, and others do not,
// we cannot assume that the field has been initialized with a
// Professor reference when this method is invoked. We
// check to make sure that the facultyAdvisor field
// is NOT null before proceeding.
if (facultyAdvisor != null)
return facultyAdvisor.Name;
return "TBD";

using System;
public class Student
private string name;
private string id;
private Transcript transcript;
// Constructors.
// This version takes one argument.
public Student(string n)
name = n;
transcript = new Transcript();
// do some other complicated things...
// This version takes two arguments. We want to reuse the logic
// from the preceding constructor without having to repeat the
// same code in both constructors. We can invoke the
// one-argument constructor from this two-argument version by
// using the "this" keyword in the manner shown below:
public Student(string n, string id)
: this(n)
// Now, we can go on to do other "extra" things that this
// version of the constructor needs to take care of.
this.id = id;
// etc.

By using the syntax : this(n) in this fashion, it’s as if we’ve written the code for the second constructor as follows—but without having to duplicate code from the first constructor:
public Student(string n, string id)
// Duplicate the code from the first constructor...
name = n;
transcript = new Transcript();
// do some other complicated things...
//...then go on to do other "extra" things that this version
// of the constructor needs to take care of.
this.id = id;

Thus, by using the : this(...) syntax to reuse constructor code from one version to another, if the logic of the first constructor changes down the road, the second constructor will also benefit.


It’s analogous to an internal organ in our body; for example, our heart is part of our physical body, but we can’t see or access it directly.


Bear: 當類別無預設建構子時,.NET會自動在內部幫你生一個預設無參數的建構子,但當你自已手動加上任何建構子時,自動生成的建議子就會自動消失。

We know from an earlier discussion that the Person class now recognizes only one constructor signature—one that takes two arguments—because the default parameterless constructor for Person has been eliminated.



1. 和重寫一樣,在新的派生/隱藏的方法中可使用base關鍵字調用原始基類版本的隱藏方法。
2. 派生類的隱藏方法可以有不同的返回類型,這些返迴類型不同於基類的返回類型。
3. 抽象方法不能被隱藏。

Final Notes Regarding Method Hiding
A few final points:
1. The original base class version of a hidden method can be called from within the “new” derived/hidden method using the base keyword, just as when overriding.
2. A derived class’s “hidden” method can have a different return type than the base class version it is hiding.
3. An abstract method can’t be hidden.



Why might we want to override a nonabstract method with an abstract one? The answer is to force derived classes of Person to implement their own class-specific versions of the ToString method. That is, we don’t want any of the future classes derived from Person to be “lazy” by simply inheriting the default behavior of the Object class’s ToString method—we want to effectively “erase” the details of how this behavior is carried out.



Note that if we want to refer to the name of a class that belongs to an explicitly named namespace, and we haven’t included the appropriate using statement with our code, we must fully qualify the class name when using typeof:
// Assume that Bar is a class in the Foo namespace.
if (x.GetType() == typeOf(Foo.Bar) {...}


Bear: 這裡有問題,我看它明明前面的例子跟本都是用public,那來的protected access?

Note that the Student class’s ToString method is accessing the values of the Name and Id properties that were declared in the Person class. This operation is permitted because the get accessors for those properties were given protected access, and Student is a derived class of Person.