2011年7月5日 星期二

CLR via C#(3rd Edition)

CLR via C#(第3版)/微軟技術叢書

人民幣:RMB 99 元

CLR via C# 實際內文頁要再加上18



public static void PromoteEmployee(Object o) {
// At this point, the compiler doesn't know exactly what
// type of object o refers to. So the compiler allows the
// code to compile. However, at runtime, the CLR does know
// what type o refers to (each time the cast is performed) and
// it checks whether the object's type is Employee or any type
// that is derived from Employee.
Employee e = (Employee) o;




The as operator works just as casting does except that the as operator will never throw an exception. Instead, if the object can’t be cast, the result is null. You’ll want to check to see whether the resulting reference is null, or attempting to use the resulting reference will cause a System.NullReferenceException to be thrown.





Note that if Employee’s Lookup method had discovered that Joe was just an Employee and not a Manager, Lookup would have internally constructed an Employee object whose type object pointer member would have referred to the Employee type object, causing Employee’s implementation of GetProgressReport to execute instead of Manager’s implementation.

P.104 中間 (原文P.117)

Boolean found = false; // Generated code sets found to 0


Here’s an example that uses the unchecked operator:
UInt32 invalid = unchecked((UInt32) (-1)); // OK
And here is an example that uses the checked operator:

Byte b = 100;
b = checked((Byte) (b + 200)); // OverflowException is thrown

In this example, b and 200 are first converted to 32-bit values and are then added together; the result is 300. Then 300 is converted to a Byte due to the explicit cast; this generates the OverflowException. If the Byte were cast outside the checked operator, the exception wouldn’t occur:

b = (Byte) checked(b + 200); // b contains 44; no OverflowException



When you compile code that uses Decimal values, the compiler generates code to call Decimal’s members to perform the actual operation. This means that manipulating Decimal values is slower than manipulating CLR primitive values. Also, because there are no IL instructions for manipulating Decimal values, the checked and unchecked operators, statements, and compiler switches have no effect. Operations on Decimal values always throw an OverflowException if the operation can’t be performed safely.


The only difference is that C# “thinks” that the instance is initialized if you use the new operator. The following code will make this point clear:
// These two lines compile because C# thinks that
// v1's fields have been initialized to 0.
SomeVal v1 = new SomeVal();
Int32 a = v1.x;
// These two lines don't compile because C# doesn't think that
// v1's fields have been initialized to 0.
SomeVal v1;
Int32 a = v1.x; // error CS0170: Use of possibly unassigned field 'x'


In fact, I recommended that value types have their fields marked as readonly so that the compiler will issue errors should you accidentally write a method that attempts to modify a field.



If you do not explicitly specify either of these when you define a type, the C# compiler sets the type’s visibility to internal (the more restrictive of the two).




readonly fields can be written to only within a constructor method (which is called only once, when an object is first created). Compilers and verification ensure that readonly fields are not written to by any method other than a constructor. Note that reflection can be used to modify a readonly field.



這個非常的重要嘿,但這個不難理解,請用delphi的想法去思考,在procedure Foo(const v: TLabel)中,你不能去改變v的參考(ex: v := label2;),但你可以改變v的內容(ex: v.caption := '';)

Important When a field is of a reference type and the field is marked as readonly, it is the reference that is immutable, not the object that the field refers to. The following code demonstrates:
public sealed class AType {
// InvalidChars must always refer to the same array object
public static readonly Char[] InvalidChars = new Char[] { 'A', 'B', 'C' };
public sealed class AnotherType {
public static void M() {
// The lines below are legal, compile, and successfully
// change the characters in the InvalidChars array
AType.InvalidChars[0] = 'X';
AType.InvalidChars[1] = 'Y';
AType.InvalidChars[2] = 'Z';
// The line below is illegal and will not compile because
// what InvalidChars refers to cannot be changed
AType.InvalidChars = new Char[] { 'X', 'Y', 'Z' };


internal struct Point {
public Int32 m_x, m_y;
public Point() {
m_x = m_y = 5;
internal sealed class Rectangle {
public Point m_topLeft, m_bottomRight;
public Rectangle() {
Now when a new Rectangle is constructed, what do you think the m_x and m_y fields in the two Point fields, m_topLeft and m_bottomRight, would be initialized to: 0 or 5? (Hint: This is a trick question.)



When appending characters to the character array, the StringBuilder detects if the array is trying to grow beyond the array’s capacity. If it is, the StringBuilder automatically doubles the capacity field, allocates a new array (the size of the new capacity), and copies the characters from the original array into the new array. The original array will be garbage collected in the future. Dynamically growing the array hurts performance; avoid this by setting a good initial capacity.



1. 刪除字符串頭尾的所有空白字符。

When Parse and TryParse are called, the following actions are performed internally:
1. It removes all whitespace characters from the start and end of the string.